Pasta di zucchero: come farla in casa

Sugar paste: how to make it at home

If you want to become a Cake Designer you have to learn how to make sugar paste. If you want to make an explosive dessert and leave everyone speechless for your child's party you need to know the sugar paste recipe. There is no escape from this sweetest nightmare! Are you ready to discover the instructions for making sugar paste?

Do you have the whole cake design kit? Very good, all you need is the sugar paste recipe. We'll take care of that, which is essential for making one of those cakes that no one will ever forget. Discover all the steps to make sugar paste at home.

Homemade Sugar Paste

Do you need to make small toppings on a Nude Cake or do you want to cover a medium cake for someone's birthday at home? Sugar paste is a fun and not too obvious choice that allows you to create always new and creative desserts with simple materials. You just need to have the right tools to make cake designs and the ingredients to prepare the sugar paste. sugar paste has the same consistency as the modeling clay that children play with. Like plasticine, it can be any color you prefer (you can use food coloring to give it the shade you need to create your cake design project). With this sugar paste you can cover cakes, cupcakes and create special decorations even for your savory dishes. Obviously, sugar paste is edible and completely non-toxic. Nothing, the mother-in-law will feel great even after a slice of your delicious cake covered in sugar paste.

Sugar paste recipe

All very nice but what is the sugar paste recipe? Equip yourself with glucose, icing sugar and isinglass: they are the main ingredients for making this preparation. You will also need a lot of water to complete everything. You can find all the tools to use to prepare the sugar paste in our shop, in the section dedicated to molds, molds and other tools for decorating desserts.

Sugar paste ingredients

Let's discover the ingredients for the preparation of sugar paste:

  • 50 grams of glucose
  • 30 grams of water
  • A pack of gelatine sheets (of which you will use about 5-7 grams depending on the consistency you want to obtain)
  • Half a kilo of icing sugar
  • 10 grams of glycerin
  • All the food colorings you need.

Equip yourself with a sieve, a couple of soup plates (or bowls, alternatively), a sieve and lots and lots of patience. Making sugar paste is not so much a question of precision in measuring out the ingredients, but of technique and consistency in making and redoing this preparation in order to obtain the right consistency. One piece of advice we give you is to understand well (if these are not your first attempts at making sugar paste) what you want to achieve. Use pen and paper to draw your cake and the colors you want to use. This is one of the "secrets" of the greatest cake designers that will allow you to reduce preparation times, make smart purchases (online is better) and obtain a great result!

Preparing the sugar paste

Now that you have everything you need for the sugar paste, let's proceed with the recipe by soaking the isinglass in cold water. In this way, the water will slowly dissolve the glue and we will obtain the natural (and non-toxic) glue to create our beautiful cake decorations. While the isinglass dissolves in cold water, the glucose should be dissolved in hot water (perhaps in a saucepan with water: be careful, do not let it boil). Combine glucose and isinglass with the icing sugar after sifting it. Don't forget to mix everything with 5 grams of glycerin to make the dough more malleable and soft, easy to work with. Work the dough until you obtain shiny blocks that don't stick to your hands, which means that your sugar paste is ready! Now, do you remember the project we told you to prepare on paper with the ideas and colors of your cake? Here, it's time to take out the colors you have chosen for your cake design project and start dividing the blocks (of different sizes depending on the use you have of them) and coloring them with food coloring for cakes. How do you color sugar paste? Simple! Take a stick and add a few drops of the color you prefer and knead the preparation until you have obtained the shade you wanted. The more food coloring you add, the richer and brighter your color will be so... Pay attention to the doses!

How to store sugar paste?

There is some controversy regarding this part of the procedure for preparing sugar paste. There are some recipe books that claim that it should be stored in the fridge, wrapped in transparent film (be careful, one per colored block because it could drain the color and ruin all the other pieces of sugar paste). Stored in this way, the sugar paste in the fridge should last a maximum of 3-4 days or even less. Some cake designers, however, maintain that sugar paste should be stored outside, in a cool place and that when put like this it can last for a whole month.

We don't feel like giving advice on this, but let's be calm: cooking - even when it comes to desserts - is experimentation after all, right? A tip: the first few times you try the sugar paste recipe, perhaps prepare a stomach protector for anyone who tastes it! If you really can't, you can buy it on our store! Obviously, we're joking as always: you will surely be an excellent Cake Designer from the first moment and, if this doesn't happen, we have lots of recipes for you.

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