Glassa a specchio per decorare e ricoprire torte e dolci

Mirror glaze for decorating and covering cakes and desserts

Have you discovered mirror glaze to cover and decorate your cakes with style? Do you want to know how to prepare mirror glaze and if there is a quick and easy way to make it? Dolcincasa has studied for you and is ready to tell you all the secrets of this preparation! Whether you want to create colorful or plain mirror glaze, welcome! The recipe is coming.
We love cakes with mirror glaze. Yes, we know: this was supposed to be a very serious article on what mirror glaze is, how to prepare mirror glaze, how to decorate mirror glaze. The tasting, studying & fattening and writing team has decreed that one cannot tell about this culinary wonder important in 2017 by the legendary Igino Massari in Italy among the pastry trends without getting fat. We can tell you all about mirror glaze even with a full belly, can't we?

Mirror glaze: what is it?

Let's talk about serious things: mirror glaze has revolutionized the cake sector: they are objectively more beautiful! We discovered them on Instagram, they seemed to come from another world: perfect, round, smooth. True masterpieces. And who wouldn't want a mirror glaze birthday cake like this? mirror-icing Indeed, mirror-icing is a very normal covering for cakes. Nothing science fiction. Yet, if you want to amaze everyone and make the cake you just baked look fantastic, mirror icing is for you! A cake covering that has the characteristic of being shiny, almost looking like a mirror, hence the name mirror icing. Obviously, like many cake coverings, mirror glaze can be eaten and prepared with different flavors and colors, depending on the occasion for which it is made. There are different types of mirror glaze, colored or transparent, with or without glucose or cream. Not only that: the mirror glaze can also be covered with abstract designs or wow effects. Mirror glaze is not very complicated to make (you only need a few tools) and it costs very little. If you don't have much practicality in the kitchen, there is always the option, we at Dolcincasa give it to you ready. In our store, in practice, you can find all the materials to make mirror glaze at home or you can make this cake covering with one of our preparations, carefully selected for you! By clicking here you go to the gallery of our products to have a ready-made mirror glaze.

Mirror glaze: how is it done?
Do you really want to make mirror glaze at home. Great, let's find out what the recipe is for this (really) beautiful cake topping?

The ingredients to prepare the mirror glaze
So, let's start with the basics of preparing mirror glaze: patience, cold blood and list of ingredients to make mirror glaze at home:

  • 1 and a half cups of sugar, preferably granulated (about 150 grams).
  • 100 ml of condensed milk.
  • 200 grams of chocolate chips (the type you prefer).
  • 15 grams of isinglass or gelatine (3 sachets).
  • A spoonful of glucose.
  • 100 ml of water.

a touch of color with food colorings in the shades you prefer, if in gel it is better.

A small clarification on the ingredients of this recipe: there is a variant of mirror glaze without glucose, certainly lighter, although with a slightly different flavour. We always try to point out that for each recipe, as for mirror glaze in this case, there are always many variations. In this case, glucose-free mirror glaze is one of those variations. The recipe for mirror glaze without glucose is in every way similar to the one that answers the question “how to make mirror glaze. In fact, it happens that you are unable to find glucose and therefore have an alternative (in addition to ready-made mirror glazes, of course). If you want to get a colored mirror glaze without glucose, follow the recipe by simply eliminating the glucose.

Mirror glaze: recipe

Now that you have all the ingredients on the list for making the mirror glaze recipe on the table, we can move on to the operational phase. Lay out all the ingredients on the counter and let's figure out how to make a mirror glaze. You've already prepared the cake to cover, right? If you haven't done so, prepare it and put it on (at least) two hours before starting the preparations for the mirror glaze, even colored ones.

How to make mirror glaze: here are the fundamental steps to obtain a result worthy of the master Igino Massari.

  1. Simply soak the isinglass in a small bowl, filling it with water at room temperature, so that the glue dissolves.
  2. Subsequently, pour a cup and a half of granulated sugar together with the spoonful of glucose (if you deem it appropriate) together with the water and the condensed milk.
  3. Pour the contents of this mix into a saucepan and mix everything over a low heat until the mixture boils completely. You should know that the mirror glaze is made of milk, water, glucose and granulated sugar to ensure the clarity of the preparation and the digestibility of the product.

How to make a mirror glaze is easy to do. Once the mix of condensed milk, glucose, granulated sugar and water has reached boiling point, turn off and set aside for a moment. Now check whether the isinglass has dissolved completely: if so, add it to the mixture in the saucepan and combine everything. At this point, let's give some flavor and color to our mirror glaze! Use the 200 grams of chocolate chips, adding them slowly to the mixture you previously prepared, allowing them to melt. Once all the chocolate has melted, mix everything together with the food coloring you have chosen as a shade for your mirror glaze.

Colored mirror glaze? And what does it take!

When you create your colored mirror glaze you can opt for a single color or divide the mixture you have prepared into several bowls to which you will add the different colors you have chosen. Mix gently until you get exactly the color you want. If you want to create special decorations, just gently mix two or more colors together (not too vigorously, because the colors mix and don't blend). Once the preparation phase is over, we move on to the filtering phase: the mirror glaze mixture must be filtered after being passed through an immersion mixer to guarantee maximum product yield. At this point, wait until the icing has reached a temperature of around 35° and then mirror icing the cake you previously prepared and put in the fridge. Are you ready?

Mirror glaze, how to create the perfect mirror glaze

Once the preparation and filtering of the mirror glaze mixture has been completed, we must ensure that it is poured correctly onto the cake. First, we need to make sure we keep the temperature of the mirror glaze mixture at around 35° at all times. And if it gets cold, just put it in the microwave for a few minutes, just long enough to bring it back to "temperature" and give it a little stir. While the mirror glaze cools, reaching the necessary temperature, place your cake on a rack (the one from your oven is fine too, perhaps with a couple of supports to keep it slightly higher than the work surface). Start pouring the colored mirror icing mixture from the center of the cake, shaking (not too much, eh) from the center outwards to obtain a homogeneous effect. Once you have ensured that the icing has poured onto each side of the cake, you can pop any air bubbles that have formed with the help of a toothpick. Let the icing rest on the cake and then you can serve it with the accompaniment of your choice.

Mirror glaze without cream? Here's the recipe!

If you want to obtain a mirror glaze without cream, however, the recipe is simple and quick.

Two tablespoons of water, 100 grams of chocolate (dark is better), 200 grams of granulated sugar, 50 grams of butter and off we go, let's discover the mirror glaze recipe without cream.

The preparation of mirror icing, a simple and quick recipe, is perfect for decorating your cakes in a light way or for those who really can't tolerate lactose. To make a mirror glaze without cream you need to chop the chocolate and melt it over a low heat with water and butter. Once they have mixed together, you need to add (slowly) the granulated sugar, bringing everything to the boil. Once you have the icing, it will be ready with a simple control: spoon in hand, just lift a little icing. If it becomes a dense ribbon, the mirror icing without cream is ready!

No-Bake Mirror Glaze

Want a shiny glaze? A cake with mirror-gloss icing made without too much effort? The most beautiful thing in the world, after the mirror glaze made at home with your own hands, is the ready-made one that you can find (also and above all) on our shop. The ready-made mirror glaze has a truly authentic and genuine flavour. You can choose the mirror glaze in the flavor and color you prefer, such as black cherry mirror glaze or pistachio mirror glaze. Mirror glaze is the ideal decoration for any cake, especially cheesecakes, semifreddos and cold cakes. Perfectly shiny and transparent, mirror glaze has the same effect as the one you make yourself! The mirror glaze is ready to use and easy to use, made up of ingredients that make it as tasty as the freshly prepared one. Pour it directly onto the cake (always using the grid method that we suggested in the previous preparation) and make sure to eliminate the excess product with the spatula. Ready-made mirror glaze packs of 500 grams each are available. If you are looking for ready-made, professional and easy-to-use mirror glaze click here!

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